Domestic Customer Information
NRC Definition of An Exempt Quantity
Consumer products containing byproduct material that are used by the general public are exempted from licensing requirements only if the NRC determines that the products or types of uses do not constitute an unreasonable risk to the common defense, security, public health and safety, and the environment.
The Rules of General Applicability to Domestic Licensing of Byproduct Material
(10 CFR Part 30) exempts members of the public from the requirements for an NRC license when they receive, possess, use, transfer, own, or acquire byproduct material in products – examples such as silicon chips, electron tubes, check, sources, gun sights, and smoke detectors.
The NRC applies its regulatory control on the transfer of these products, placing specific requirements on distributions, as defined in Subpart A, 10 CFR Part 32.
Exempt Quantity Limits
Isotope specific exempt quantity limits can be found in §30.71, Schedule B of the NRC regulations. These limits can also be found in individual Agreement State regulations.
Distribution of Exempt Quantity Sources
Distribution of exempt quantity sources to persons exempt from regulatory authority can only be made by companies or individuals who possess a specific license from the NRC.
These specific licenses are issued by the NRC and are referred to as ‘exempt distribution’ or ‘E’ licenses.
The licensed distributor is required to demostrate to the NRC that all products are manufactured, tested, and distributed in accordance with the regulations and specifications provided in the license application.
Disposing of Exempt Quantity Sources
The NRC prefered disposal method for exempt quantity sources will be dependent on whether or not the customer has a specific license issued by the NRC or an Agreement State.
If the customer possesses a Specific License – Exempt quantity sources must be disposed of as radioactive waste through an appropriate radioactive waste processor.
If the customer does NOT possess a Specific License – Exempt quantity sources may be disposed of in the regular waste providing all radiation symbols have been removed or defaced.